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Pushing Past the Critics

  • Mike Kaeding

Mike Kaeding

2 min read
Pushing Past the Critics

My dad used to tell me that if you do anything significant in life there will be some people that fight it.

Have you felt that before?

Trying to push to do something great for society but then you feel the weight of the world pushing back against you.

It isn’t easy.

So much of life and business is built on relationships. Relationships are built on quality time with people. The more you try to do the more relationships you will build. The challenge is that the time you have in a week doesn’t grow. That means that the time for any one relationship decreases.

This is tough.

How do you make sure the people you interact with feel valued and appreciated even though the time you have for them is less than before?

I don’t have the answers. In many ways, I’m not very good at dealing with this well. But despite that, here are a few things I’m doing to try and bridge that gap.

Be Humble

There is an interesting balance that must be maintained between pushing things forward and helping others. If you focus only on your own ambitions at the expense of others, then people will hate you. If you focus only on helping others you will be aimless, never reaching any great goal. Instead, you need to humbly push your goals forward while helping others achieve their goals.


I always recommend to genuinely listen to the people who want to give you feedback. Often, they can provide you great insight into what you can be doing better. Try and apply what you can. The magic here is that often just putting the genuine effort forth will mean a lot to others. This brings them in as part of the solution.

Don’t Please Everyone

You can’t please everyone. I wish you can, but you simply can’t. Some people might be pushing you to do things that simply don’t align with your values or vision. I’ve heard it said that if you focus solely on making your staff happy, you won’t achieve that. Instead, if you focus on inspiring your staff to do something great, then you’ll both achieve it and happiness will be a result.

Find Great Friends

I recommend finding good friends. Find friends who can push you to be your best without tearing you down. It’s said that the success you’ll find is directly related to how successful your friends are. It’s very true because high-quality people will inspire you to something great.

Don’t Give Up

There will always be people and circumstances that will stand between you and your goal. Don’t let that get you down. It’s just part of the process. It’s your right of passage. Just keep pushing forward and you’ll be surprised by what you can achieve.

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