When you're on your own for the first time, it may be overwhelming or a challenge to feel equipped in a new place.
Perhaps before you were relying on your parents or your roommates for everyday items. You've probably browsed the aisles of house wear items and thought what things you should buy.
There may be a good reason to buy a banana slicer or an egg cooker, trust me these things are out there, but you don't need them. Instead, here are a few esential items that you'll want to make sure you don't forget to buy before your move.
- Silver wear
- Dishes
- Pots & Pans
- Cooking Utensils - Wooden Spoon, Spatula, Ladle, Rubber Scraper
- Cutting Board
- Ice Cube Tray
- Measuring Cup
- Can Opener
- Aluminum Foil
- Wax Paper
- Blender
- Dish Soap
- Sponge
- Hand Towels
- Trash Can
- Table & Chairs
- Toilet Paper
- Hand Towel
- Bath Towel
- Bath Mat
- Shower Curtain
- Shower Rings
- Toilet Brush
- Plunger
- Small Trash Can
- First Aid Kit
- Personal Hygiene
- Mattress
- Pillows
- Comforter
- Sheets
- Nightstand
- Dresser
- Hangers
- Laundry Basket
- Curtain
- Lamp
Living Room
- Couch
- Coffee table
- TV
- Lamp
- Trash Bags
- Broom
- Dustpan
- Mop
- Vacuum
- Cleaning Sprays
- Rubber Gloves
- Febreeze
Now that you have all that you need, you're ready to move those items into your new apartment.