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Sharing Knowledge to Future Generations of Professionals

  • Emily Rice

Emily Rice

3 min read
Sharing Knowledge to Future Generations of Professionals

Knowledge is power in the business world, and as a leader, it’s important to share some knowledge with others.

To teach people what you have learned so that other people can develop into leaders themselves.

It’s easy to surround yourself with the best people when knowledge and training have been shared.

Here are a few tidbits that I have learned over the years, that I wanted to share with you, just as I had the opportunity to share with a couple High School students curious about what to do after school.

Speed of the Leader

As a leader, people will only put in 90% of what you’re doing.

If you’re working at a 50% pace, no one's going to put in 100% around you. They are just going to go off and do other things. People want to be with leaders that are passionate and are willing to put the effort into what they do.

How leaders act, the rest will follow.

Givers – Matchers – Takers

Explained in further detail, you can group people into three groups, the Givers, Matchers, and Takers.

The givers, who give as much as they can without being completely taken advantage of, are the ones who do the best.

For instance, when you meet with people at networking events try to make the dreams of other people come true. Because, when you make other peoples' dreams come true, they remember you and they remember what you did for them.

Chances are, when you help others, they will help make your dreams come true too.

360-Degree Feedback

The purpose of feedback is to improve behavior.

In the article, Giving & Receiving Feedback, when looking in a mirror, one can only see 80% of themselves directly. You need a mirror to see the other 20%. The same is true with your personality.

Although receiving feedback from others can be painful, it’s critically important to one’s personal growth. Because, how else is one supposed to improve if they don’t know what they should be working on.

Journey to Success

People only talk about the success.

Hardly, do people talk about the failures it took to get to where they are.

The journey to success is filled with failures along the way, but that’s ok. It’s a part of the process.

Explained in a previous article, failure remains successful if we learn from it.

Although failure can be disheartening, it plays a vital role in helping people grow.


If you have the wrong people working by your side, your life will be awful. If you have the right people, your life will be magical. It is a world of difference.

You can always train skills, but you cannot train for being the right person.

When people are in the right seat, that they are genetically hard wired to do, magic happens.

Employees happiness, has a direct correlation with their productivity at work. Which is why it’s important to train people well enough so they can leave but treat people well enough so that they don’t (Richard Branson).


List out a big, hairy, audacious goal.

Even if a goal is not completely attainable, it’s still important to know what you’re working towards, to have a sense of direction of why you do what you do.


Purpose is your why, it’s why you get out of bed in the morning.

Knowing your purpose inspires different strategies to be taken.

Find what you are passionate about, because life is too short.

In Choose Happiness, it’s important to know what you want and to fight for it because life is simply too short to be anything but happy.

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