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What Leadership Isn’t

  • Emily Rice

Emily Rice

1 min read
What Leadership Isn’t

There are plenty of leaders who would never describe themselves as such.

They would say that they are just doing what needs to get done.

That may be so, but a commonality among leader is that they tend to bring out the best in others.

Being a leader to one person may be defined differently than someone else.

That is because we are all different. We all think, act, and talk differently. Some of us are loud during moments that others are quiet. Whatever the case, we each have our own talents that support the talents of others.

Depending on the circumstances and the situation, we may all be leaders ourselves at something.

So, how do we define leadership?

Sometimes, it’s easier to define leadership by talking about what it isn’t, for instance:

Leadership isn’t about being great, leadership is about enabling others to be great – David McQueen

Leadership is not about control, but about guiding and mentoring others.

Leadership is not about talking, but about listening.

Leadership is not a position or a title, it is action and example – Cory Booker

Leadership is not about doing it yourself, but about delegating and working well with others.

Leadership is not about being right, but about collaboration.

Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another – John C Maxwell

There are many things that leadership isn’t and a lot of things that leadership is.

It’s up to us to choose the kind of leader we want to become.

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