The quickest way to attain success is to help others first.
An attribute of leaders is their innate ability to help others; Unfortunately, it doesn’t come as easy as one would think.
This kind of thinking is foreign to cultures that see the business world as a giant competition. They believe that there are those who win and those who lose.
Therefore, the only way to get ahead is to look out for themselves.
This concept of helping others can be intimidating because in the moment it feels counterintuitive to put the needs of others above your own.
"Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, 'What's in it for me?'" Brian Tracy
Leaders who know their own weaknesses and strengths look past themselves to help their employees grow.
They remove barriers, interpersonal conflict, obstacles, uncertainty, and roadblocks to help set others up for success.
They inspire others not only to do great things, but to continue to pay it forward.
They get to know their people and learn about what they enjoy doing.
Then, they identify what resources and conditions are needed for them to be at their best.
Great leaders see potential in others and want to create opportunities for them to grow and advance.
While helping others isn’t always easy, over time it can lead to success for all those involved.
Rather than thinking that someone else “lost,” as a result of someone else “winning,” see it as two people winning.
For instance, if someone ‘won’ as a result to you helping them, it doesn’t mean that you ’lost’ it means that you both won.
Mike Kaeding, President of Norhart, has found this to be true. "The more I have focused on helping our employees succeed both in their professional and personal lives, the more the entire company succeeds. In result, I’ve personally succeeded far more than I ever would have imagined."