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Experiences + Trust = Respect

  • Norhart


1 min read
Experiences + Trust = Respect

Some think that with the role comes respect.

Others believe that because of the role, they are owed respect.

Either way, it doesn’t do anyone any good to respect someone else solely because of their role.

Without appreciation and respect for other people, true leadership becomes ineffective, if not impossible – George Foreman

When trust and respect have been broken, it makes people all that much more cautious to trust and respect someone again.

Respect is genuine.

It takes time, patience, and commitment.

“It is not imposed nor begged. It’s earned and offered.”

It isn’t something that can be handed out to someone like candy; Rather, it needs to be built upon.

Let say I was selling something online. If I have no history and no reviews it’ll be hard to get buyers interested in purchasing from me. Contrary to if I had good reviews and a good track history with other people.

Respect is easier to achieve when trust and experiences have taken place.