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You and I, We’re Not So Different

  • Norhart


1 min read
You and I, We’re Not So Different

We might have been brought up different and chose different paths, but we have a lot in common.

You have goals. I have goals.

You have things that you’re passionate about. I have things that I’m passionate about.

There are things that I’m afraid of. There are things that you’re afraid of.

You have a story. I have a story.

If we gave people the opportunity to share their stories, we’d hear about their experiences, struggles, and victories. Things that I too have gone through. We’d learn what their goals are, what their passions are, and maybe what they’re afraid of.

Although these things may vary between us, remembering what unites us will lead to greater things: great conversations, great stories, and new perspective.

“We are stronger together than we’ll ever be apart.”